HBM Global Trading Corp

HBM Global Trading Corp, as its name states, makes it possible for every business to expand its horizons around the world. Thanks to its logistics infrastructure and dedicated team of professional workers.


The Company

Certificado APEX HBM.png

Member of the Panamanian Exporters Asociation (APEX).

HBM is a leading Export Corporation. Focusing on the distribution and general trading around the world, specially in Europe and Asia.



Panama’s pineapple. Why is it so special?

  • Tropical climate is perfect for pineapples, Panama’s mix between rain and sun helps pineapples grow in the best conditions

  • Fertile soil

  • MD2 kind premium quality - Panama’s pineapple is one of the sweetest in the world, with an average BRIX (sugar) level of 15

  • Harvest (availability) all 12 months of the year

  • Minimum time frame between harvest and shipping

  • Strategic geography - Panama Canal/ Trade Hub

  • Financial and Banking System easy and open for international trade (Panamanian currency - American dollars $)

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The Panama Canal (Spanish: Canal de Panamá) is an artificial 82 km (51 mi) waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. The canal cuts across the Isthmus of Panama and is a conduit for maritime trade.


Shipping, logistics and general trading


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